标题 | 版本 | 文件语言 | 发布日期 | Category | 旧版本 |
Installation manual for AKD, AKD BASIC, and AKD PDMM drives. Describes the AKD series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, and software installation information needed to safely install AKD. Note this document is applicable to AKD 1.17 and KAS 2.12 versions. |
发布版本: 1.18 |
Italian | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Installation manual for AKD, AKD BASIC, and AKD PDMM drives. Describes the AKD series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, and software installation information needed to safely install AKD. |
发布版本: 1.18 |
French | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Installation manual for AKD, AKD BASIC, and AKD PDMM drives. Describes the AKD series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, and software installation information needed to safely install AKD. |
发布版本: 1.18 |
English | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Betriebsanleitung für AKD, AKD BASIC und AKD PDMM. Beschreibt die AKD Servoverstärker Familie und enthält Informationen für eine sichere mechanische und elektrische Installation und die Inbetriebnahme des AKD. |
发布版本: 1.18 |
German | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Installation manual for AKD-N (Near Servo Drive). Describes the AKD-N series of drives for Kollmorgen decentralized drive system and includes information needed for safe assembling and installation. |
发布版本: K |
English | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
DE: Betriebsanleitung für AKD-N (Near Servo Drive). Beschreibt die AKD-N-Serie von Laufwerken für das dezentrale Antriebssystem von Kollmorgen und enthält Informationen, die für eine sichere Montage und Installation erforderlich sind. EN: Installation manual for AKD-N (Near Servo Drive). Describes the AKD-N series of drives for Kollmorgen decentralized drive system and includes information needed for safe assembling and installation. |
发布版本: K |
German | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Installation manual for AKD-C (Central Power Supply). Describes the AKD-C series of intelligent power supply for Kollmorgen decentralized drive system and includes information for safe assembling, installation, and setup. |
发布版本: J |
English | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
DE: Betriebsanleitung für AKD-C (Zentrale Stromversorgung). Beschreibt die intelligente Stromversorgung der AKD-C-Serie für das dezentrale Antriebssystem von Kollmorgen und enthält Informationen für die sichere Montage, Installation und Einrichtung. EN: Installation manual for AKD-C (Central Power Supply). Describes the AKD-C series of intelligent power supply for Kollmorgen decentralized drive system and includes information for safe assembling, installation, and setup. |
发布版本: J |
German | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Questo manuale descrive i servoamplificatori digitali serie Servostar 400. |
发布版本: 11/2018 |
Italian | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Ce manuel décrit les variateurs (servo variateurs) de la série Servostar 400. |
发布版本: 11/2018 |
French | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
This manual describes the digital servo amplifiers of the Servostar 400 series. |
发布版本: 11/2018 |
English | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Dieses Handbuch beschreibt die digitalen Servoverstärker der Servostar 400-Serie. |
发布版本: 11/2018 |
German | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
This is an all-inclusive Servo Drive Firmware package for AKD-B, -P, and -T devices, release 1.21. The package also includes EDS and fieldbus files as well as Release Notes. Note: This firmware complies with recently revised U.S. and E.U. export regulations (E.U. Dual Use Regulation 428/2009, and U.S. Dual-use regulation EAR Category 3 under ECCN3A225). |
发布版本: |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
AKD PDMM Servo Drive (800 MHz) Firmware Motion Control EtherCAT. Note: This firmware complies with recently revised U.S. and E.U. export regulations (E.U. Dual Use Regulation 428/2009, and U.S. Dual-use regulation EAR Category 3 under ECCN3A225). |
发布版本: 修订版: AKD-M-MCEC-01-17-00-004 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
AKD PDMM Servo Drive (1.2 GHz) Firmware Motion Control EtherCAT. Note: This firmware complies with recently revised U.S. and E.U. export regulations (E.U. Dual Use Regulation 428/2009, and U.S. Dual-use regulation EAR Category 3 under ECCN3A225). |
发布版本: 修订版: AKD-M-M1EC-01-17-00-004 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根PCMM 可编程运动控制器Flyer |
发布版本: B |
Chinese, Traditional | Datasheet | 查看全部 | |
These release notes for the AKD drive firmware (software that executes inside the AKD drive) describes the changes between the previous firmware releases and current release. Includes known issues, new features, feature changes, and fixed bugs. |
发布版本: 修订版: REV |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
AKD Central Power Supply Firmware Motion Control with EtherCAT. Note: This firmware complies with recently revised U.S. and E.U. export regulations (E.U. Dual Use Regulation 428/2009, and U.S. Dual-use regulation EAR Category 3 under ECCN3A225). |
发布版本: 修订版: AKD-C-CBEC-01-17-00-004 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
AKD Near Servo Drive Firmware Motion Control with EtherCAT, dual line, and tertiary fieldbus. Note: This firmware complies with recently revised U.S. and E.U. export regulations (E.U. Dual Use Regulation 428/2009, and U.S. Dual-use regulation EAR Category 3 under ECCN3A225). |
发布版本: 修订版: AKD-N-DFEC-01-17-00-004 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
This manual describes the AKM2G synchronous servomotor in Deutsch, English, Italiano, Espanol, Francais, and Русский. Provides information regarding safety, standards, handling, packaging, technical descriptions, mechanical and electrical installation. |
发布版本: 8/28/2018 |
English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish | Documentation | 查看全部 |