标题 | 版本 | 文件语言 | 发布日期 | Category | 旧版本 |
KAS Runtime Firmware for 1.2 GHz AKD PDMM. Note: PDMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 4.0 R1 修订版: |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for 800 MHz AKD PDMM with an integrated AKD-N device. Note: PDMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 4.0 R1 修订版: |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
This firmware supports AKD PDMM Servo Drive (1.2 GHz) with an integrated AKD-N device. Note: This firmware complies with recently revised U.S. and E.U. export regulations (E.U. Dual Use Regulation 428/2009, and U.S. Dual-use regulation EAR Category 3 under ECCN3A225). |
发布版本: 4.0 R1 修订版: |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for 800 MHz single-core PCMM. Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 4.0 R1 修订版: |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for dual-core 1.2 GHz PCMM. Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 4.0 R1 修订版: |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for single-core PCMM. Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g., both must have version 4.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 4.0 R1 修订版: |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
AKMA motor Certification of Compliance with UL standard CSA C22.2 NO. 100, 7th Ed. and UL 1004-1, 2nd Ed. |
发布版本: 05-2023 |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
EU RoHS declaration for all standard AKD models in accordance with directive 2011/65/EU of the European parliament. |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | ||
Declaration relating to REACH Art. 33(1) regarding Substances of Very High Concern [SVHC] as referenced by Candidate List last amended on 17, January 2023. |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | ||
发布版本: F |
English | Fieldbus Support | 查看全部 | ||
发布版本: 7 |
English | Fieldbus Support | 查看全部 | ||
Certificate of Compliance with UL 61800-5-1 Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems - Part 5-1: Safety Requirements - Electrical, Thermal and Energy. |
发布版本: 03/2023 |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
Instruction manual for Goldline EB (EB-10x, EB-20x, EB-40x, EB-60x, EB-80x) and EBH (EBH-12x, EBH-22x, EBH-42x, EBH-62x) brushless servo motors. The document contains installation information and technical data including specifications and performance curves. |
发布版本: B |
English | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Declaration that the P80360-R4E does not contain any substances which meet the conditions of restriction set in Annex XVII. |
发布版本: 02/2023 |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
This application note describes how to remove the outer cable jacket from the Smart Feedback Adapter (SFA) cable and solidly clamp it to the servo drive’s grounding bracket for the multiple AKD2G drive connector configurations. |
发布版本: A |
English | Calculator | 查看全部 | |
Declaration that the P80360-R3E complies with Directive 2011/65/EU without exemptions. |
发布版本: 02/2023 |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
P80630-SDN - EU RoHS Compliance Status: Compliant without exemptions |
发布版本: 02/2023 |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
The P80630-SDN does not contain any substances which meet the conditions of restriction set in Annex XVII. |
发布版本: 02/2023 |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
EU Declaration of Conformity for the P80630-SDN Stepper Drive |
发布版本: 01/2023 |
English | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
This document describes safety and warning information for the P80630-SDN Stepper Drive. Complete documentation may be found in the Installation Manual. |
发布版本: A |
English | Documentation | 查看全部 |