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Typenschlüssel zur PCMM (AKD-PCM) Produktidentifizierung

发布版本: –
German Documentation 查看全部

Typenschlüssel zur AKD-B|P|T|M Produktidentifizierung

发布版本: –
German Documentation 查看全部

Online tool that provides a performance curve for proper sizing of KBM and TBM motors.

发布版本: –
English Tools 查看全部

Valid for KVB software 2.20 SP2 Build 2.22.353.0. This HMI program is set up to run motion tasks in the AKD drive. The operator can select from 5 motion tasks saved in the drive and run the selected task. The distance and speed of one other task can be edited by the operator. This program is also set up to run a manual jog move in velocity mode. For more information, see the application note included in this package.

发布版本: 2.2
English Sample Projects 查看全部

Valid for KVB software 2.20 SP2 Build 2.22.353.0. An HMI program that is setup to work with a Basic program in the AKD Basic drive. Allows the operator to select and execute five pre-programmed position moves saved in the Basic program. The operator can edit the distance and speed of one pre-programmed position move. Indicators show the status of motion. The HMI will indicate if homing is complete and the homing move can be started from the HMI.

发布版本: 2.2
English Sample Projects 查看全部

This Powerpoint presentation provides information about the Profinet fieldbus communication protocol support by the AKD drive.

发布版本: C
English Fieldbus Support 查看全部

Part number scheme, S400 drives

发布版本: –
English Documentation 查看全部

Non Dual-Use, Frequency limit 599 Hz for sensorless operation of induction motors

发布版本: 7.76_ND0
English Firmware 查看全部

Non Dual-Use, Frequency limit 599 Hz for sensorless operation of induction motors

发布版本: 6.98_ND0
English Firmware 查看全部

3D model of S400 drives, SAT format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

3D model of S400 drives, DXF format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

2D drawing of S400 drives, DXF format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

Byte order and descriptions of each byte of data used to read/write PNU's in the AKD Profinet Parameter Access Channel. This information is for protocol-level understanding of the Profinet fieldbus.

发布版本: –
English Fieldbus Support 查看全部

3D Model of S640-670 drives. SAT format.

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

3D model of S640-670 drives. DXF format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

2D drawing of S640-S670 drives, isometric view. DXF format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

3D model of S620 drives, SAT format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

3D model of S640 drives. DXF format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

3D Model of S614 drives, SAT format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部

3D models of S614 drives, DXF format

发布版本: –
English Drawings 查看全部