标题 | 版本 | 文件语言 | 发布日期 | Category | 旧版本 |
科尔摩根AKM2G电机选型手册_2019__RevE |
发布版本: 2021 |
Chinese, Simplified | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根AKD2G驱动器UL认证 |
发布版本: 2021 |
Chinese, Simplified | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根AKD2G驱动器Safety认证 |
发布版本: 2105 |
Chinese, Simplified | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根AKD2G驱动器RoHS认证 |
发布版本: 2021 |
Chinese, Simplified | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根AKD2G驱动器cUL认证 |
发布版本: 2021 |
Chinese, Simplified | Certifications | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根AKD2G驱动器选型手册 |
发布版本: 2021 |
Chinese, Simplified | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根AKD驱动器入门手册_2015 |
发布版本: 2021 |
Chinese, Simplified | Application Notes | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根AKD驱动器故障信息索引_2020 |
发布版本: 2021 |
Chinese, Simplified | Application Notes | 查看全部 | |
科尔摩根AKD驱动器安装手册_2020 |
发布版本: 2021 |
Chinese, Simplified | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Installation manual for AKD, AKD BASIC, and AKD PDMM drives. Describes the AKD series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, and software installation information needed to safely install AKD. |
发布版本: 1.20 |
Russian | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Manual de instalação para drives AKD, AKD BASIC e AKD PDMM. Descreve a série de drives digitais AKD e inclui informações de instalação mecânicas, elétricas e de software necessárias para instalar com segurança o AKD. |
发布版本: 1.20 |
Portuguese, Brazil | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Installation manual for AKD, AKD BASIC, and AKD PDMM drives. Describes the AKD series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, and software installation information needed to safely install AKD. Note this document is applicable to AKD 1.17 and KAS 2.12 versions. |
发布版本: 1.20 |
Italian | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Installation manual for AKD, AKD BASIC, and AKD PDMM drives. Describes the AKD series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, and software installation information needed to safely install AKD. |
发布版本: 1.20 |
French | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Installation manual for AKD, AKD BASIC, and AKD PDMM drives. Describes the AKD series of digital drives and includes mechanical, electrical, and software installation information needed to safely install AKD. |
发布版本: 1.20 |
English | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
Betriebsanleitung für AKD, AKD BASIC und AKD PDMM. Beschreibt die AKD Servoverstärker Familie und enthält Informationen für eine sichere mechanische und elektrische Installation und die Inbetriebnahme des AKD. |
发布版本: 1.20 |
German | Documentation | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for 800 MHz AKD PDMM. Note: PDMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g. both must have version 3.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 3.06 修订版: rev3.06.0.86317 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for 1.2 GHz AKD PDMM. Note: PDMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g. both must have version 3.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 3.06 修订版: rev3.06.0.86316 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for 800 MHz single-core PCMM. Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g. both must have version 3.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 3.06 修订版: rev3.06.0.86315 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for dual-core 1.2 GHz PCMM. Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g. both must have version 3.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 3.06 修订版: rev3.06.0.86314 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 | |
KAS Runtime Firmware for single-core PCMM. Note: PCMM Runtime version and KAS IDE version must be identical (e.g. both must have version 3.00.x.zzzz). |
发布版本: 3.06 修订版: rev3.06.0.86313 |
English | Firmware | 查看全部 |